Videos: Super Robot Wars Z 2 Saisei-hen First Advert
Posted on : 17-02-2012 | By : Cacophanus | In : Videos
Hardware: PlayStation Portable
Whilst there’s no game footage to see here, Ichiro Mizuki has been wheeled out to promote Super Robot Wars Z 2 Saisei-hen. It’s a nice little advert, as it has him prepare for a concert by using the series’ well-known seishin. The ones he uses, in order, are Concentration, Hot Blood and Soul. Normally Hot Blood (2 x damage) and Soul (2.5 x damage) can’t be stacked (as that was the case in Super Robot Wars J) but this is Mizuki we’re talking about, so he’s allowed license to do whatever he pleases really. That said, we like the fact they used the in-game sound effects and so overall this gets a very nerdy thumbs up from us.

“Wheeled out”!? Are you implying something about Aniki?!
Yes, that he can transform into a car.
Yeah, “Launched”, “Unleashed”, “Deployed” or even “Sent Forth” would have been better, more accurate.
I felt a charge of mecha-awesome as soon as I saw the man – and I had no idea of who he was.
I was being facetious, wheeled out is used a lot in British slang. That’s all.
I like that.