Videos: Super Robot Wars Z 2 Saisei-hen Extended Promo
Posted on : 19-03-2012 | By : Cacophanus | In : Videos
Hardware: PlayStation Portable, PS Vita
As expected, we now have the nice extended promo for the upcoming Super Robot Wars Z 2 Saisei-hen. This is the promo that normally goes the rounds on the high street games shops too, so the 13 minute duration is on account of that. In addition, there’s also a very short commercial too (stitched together from bits of the new promo). We’ve included both below. As for elements of note, well seeing the X-ATH-02-DT Rabidly Dog (pictured above) in action is a wonderful thing indeed though we’re not too impressed with the Dancouga and Dancouga Nova team-up (we’d rather Dancouga Nova wasn’t even in the game to be perfectly honest). Bar that, there’s a lot of cool stuff jammed in at the end too so prepare thy body accordingly. Finally, there was a rather nice event recently celebrating the 20th Anniversary of the series (though technically the first Super Robot Wars game was released in 1991). Naturally, Ichiro Mizuki was on hand to add a sense of tamashii to the proceedings. Don’t forget you can still preorder the game here.

I was kinda hoping that they would make some kind of announcement regarding OGS2 yesterday but the lack of it, plus the fact that YesAsia have said the release date has been changed to december does not fill me with much hope….
on the upside though that trailer was awesome! I was not expecting the Z1 units! Cheered me up immensely!
on a side note, I’ve been wondering this for a while now but where the hell have Crow and the original Brasta gone?
man I love SRW pvs. When that jam project song kicks in at the end it gets me every time.
Final Dancouga and Dancouga Nova Combination Attack…
There are no words.