Videos: Super Robot Wars Z 2 New Promo
Posted on : 14-02-2011 | By : Cacophanus | In : Videos
Hardware: PlayStation Portable
As the release date for Super Robot Wars Z 2 creeps ever closer, Banpresto have decided to grace high street games shops with what we like to think as the “good shit”. Unlike the previous promo video, which showed pre-rendered CG footage for the game’s intro, this new video is predominantly comprised of actual gameplay footage. Unlike prior SRW promos this does somewhat kick off towards the end, as it does suddenly dawn on you that the likes of Chirico and Kamina can high five for a somewhat epic win. This alone, for us anyway, is worth the price of entry. The full glorious promo video is shown below.

This looks like the best Fighting Robot game I have, and most likely ever will see in my lifetime…
Fucking Gurren Lagann!! YESSSSSSSSS!
Just so you know, the game is turn based strategy. The animations are for the battles, they aren’t functionally interactive.
When you said “as it does suddenly dawn on you that the likes of Chirico and Kamina can high five for a somewhat epic win. This alone, for us anyway, is worth the price of entry,” I’m not going to lie, I got a little giddy with excitement. I thought that was going to actually happen in the video. lol that would be amazing.
[…] nuovo e diverso video dedicato al gioco per PSP: Super Robot Wars Z 2 è stato segnalato dalle pagine di […]