Videos: Super Robot Wars Z 2 Commercial
Posted on : 09-02-2011 | By : Cacophanus | In : Videos
Hardware: PlayStation Portable
Whilst we’re still waiting for an all singing and dancing promo video showing actual gameplay footage for Super Robot Wars Z 2, Banpresto have partially jumped the gun with a short commercial with a few snippets of animation. As you’d expect, it looks rather wondrous and Ichirou Mizuki’s voiceover coupled with Gurren Lagann pwnage is a potent combination indeed.
Ichiro Mizuki going “ZEEEET” in a Super Robot Wars Z commercial, while the footage of the Shin Mazinger doing Rocket Punch play on screen…
SRW Z1 may have been a great game, but only #2 will truly be worthy of the letter zed!
My name begins with a ZEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEET