Videos: Super Robot Wars Operation Extend Latest Promo
Posted on : 02-07-2013 | By : Cacophanus | In : Videos
Hardware: PlayStation Portable, PlayStation Vita
We now have some more details on Super Robot Wars Operation Extend, specifically that it will be released on July 18th and that you can buy all 8 episodes for 5,980 yen. If you decide to buy each episode separately, then the first will cost you 500 yen whereas the remaining installments will be priced at 1,000 yen (so it makes sense to buy them all at once really). The new promo also covers more about the back-end management system in the game too, with parts trading being a pretty cool thing to add. Apart from that we have all manner of sexy new battle animations to look at, including that of the game’s unique OG mecha and pilots. In any case, we’ll be absolutely buying this on its release and we really can’t wait for it either.

Not so sure I’m sold on those 3D battle animations yet. A lot of em look quite blocky and stiff, with low detail.