Videos: Super Robot Wars OG Infinite Battle Third Promo
Posted on : 03-11-2013 | By : Cacophanus | In : Videos
Hardware: PlayStation 3
We now have the third promo for Super Robot Wars OG Infinite Battle. This covers the various game modes and shows off the likes of Daisanger, which is a very welcome addition. We’re still not sold on this game, partly because of what it looks like but more down to how the core mechanics seem to be playing out. Once it’s out at the end of this month we’ll be able to appraise it more accurately. You can pre-order the game here.

The game… I hate watching the preview because I adore the OG mecha of SRW, but I mean… it looks like a PS2 title honestly.
Because Japanese devs never got an understanding of the PS3.
I mean, how long did it take to get an honest SRW title? What besides sharper – slightly sharper – graphics was improved over prior versions?
That’s balls, it’s just that Banpresto have always been technically slow. Even with the 2D SRW games, they take aaaaages.
Then why has it taken 5+ years to get any half decent JRPGs on the PS3? And even then something like the Tales series is little changed from what they were on the PS2. It still gets me that Lost Odyssey’s big innovation to the genre was in game novellas.
Not saying there wasn’t attempt to improve things like Valkyria Chronicles, its just that the cost of doing, of just keeping up and improving to HD graphics, was too much for many JP devs. Only one like NIS seem to have figured things out, but that was after a long period where in the end they’re not really doing too much that’s different. Just better looking.
Don’t act like it’s only JRPGs that have been doing nothing with game mechanics and improving on them. Games like Skyrim and Bioshock Infinite, which are so heavily lauded for being ‘good’, actually seem to be LOSING game mechanics in favor of story (The Elder Scrolls has been sacrificing gameplay mechanics since Morrowind). The Ass Creed series of games have also been more of the same and honestly do not feel like they bring anything new to the table (Since Assassin’s Creed II). I honestly feel the Western market is just as stagnant in some ways. The last really good Western RPG I played was probably The Witcher 2.
I will admit, the only JRPGs on the PS3 I’ve found good, (Besides what you mentioned with Tales, Valkyria, and NiS (Which I don’t feel is an amazing company, I just like Disgaea)) are NIER, Star Ocean The Last Hope International, SRW OG 2nd, and 3D Dot Game Heroes. But also, the JRPG market on PS3 seems to be considerably smaller anyway, with most being made on handheld now.