Videos: Steel Battalion Heavy Armor Demo
Posted on : 05-06-2012 | By : Cacophanus | In : Videos
Hardware: Xbox 360
At a recent event in a Akiba Sofmap, the upcoming Steel Battalion Heavy Armor was available to play by members of the general (Japanese) public. Bearing in mind that a demo is also available online, it’s now fair to say that our initial concerns about the game have in fact developed into fully fledged and pretty justified facepalms. The video below does help to illustrate some of the problems the game has but when you actually pilot one of these bastards yourself you realise that it genuinely has “issues”. From Software, as far as we’re concerned, have just been helpless pawns in all this. We can also only begin to feel the pain the likes of Hifumi Kouno and the rest of the original development team on the first Xbox game must be feeling right about now. In any case, we’ll be definitely reviewing this puppy come its imminent release in the next few weeks.