Videos: New Kagekiyo VR found in Virtual On Force
Posted on : 27-10-2014 | By : Cacophanus | In : Videos
Hardware: Xbox 360
A good friend by the online name of Zaarock managed to find a new Kagekiyo VR in the 360 port of Virtual On Force. The new unit (shown in the video below) is similar to the “Wind” variant but is instead blindingly fast in close combat. The VR was unlocked via editing a save file and whether this was present in the original arcade release is unclear. He also goes onto state that there are multiple unused characters in the 360 port of Force, with both Ajim and Guerlain being playable and utilizing attacks not seen elsewhere within the game. In any case, we love stuff like this and it only highlights the fact that we need another Virtual On game. The full video is shown below.

Why has it taken so long for this to be found I wonder. I mean this game is a few years old, right?
Proof that ajim can be played?