Videos: Marasai/Gabthley Added to Gundam Extreme Versus Maxi Boost
Posted on : 05-07-2015 | By : donkey show | In : Videos
Hardware: Arcade
The next mobile suits to join the Maxi Boost roster are the Marasai/Gabthley combo from Zeta Gundam. Piloted by Jerid Messa, the 2000 cost unit allows you to switch between the two mobile suits. While the switching mechanic is currently unknown, this isn’t the first suit to allow you to change into different units during a match. The Kapools had a tag mechanic that allowed you to change between what was essentially ranged and melee mode. While that doesn’t appear to be the case in the Marasai/Gabthley combo, we’re sure there will be definite advantages to choosing either suit. Let us know what you think of this addition and be sure to check out the video below!