Videos: Latest Armored Core V Live Stream
Posted on : 06-08-2011 | By : Cacophanus | In : Videos
Hardware: PlayStation 3, Xbox 360
The latest live stream for Armored Core V, shown yesterday and embedded below, is quite an eventful one. It shows all manner of gameplay elements in far greater detail than we’d seen previously. Whilst the Overweapons are noticeably absent, the rest of the live stream is suitably illuminating. In many ways the delayed released is clearly a shrewd and sensible move, this is clearly a complex game with some very advanced multiplayer elements at work. Taking the time to get it right is something we wholeheartedly endorse.

The turrets will be an interesting balancing act.
Well, the delay gives me more time to run through the entire series again before release (currently on Another Age), but yeah, it just interests me more that they are taking the time to get it right before release. Can you imagine most American big-budget companies doing that with their games? (*cough* Call of Duty *cough*)
2011 cant handle Armored core…
It hast to take the end of the world for the awesomeness to be unleashed…
The ACV figures made another appearance.
I wonder if their release date will be affected due to the game delay?