Videos: Jehuty Bust Montage
Posted on : 13-11-2012 | By : Cacophanus | In : Videos
Hardware: PlayStation 2, PlayStation 3, Xbox 360
There’s a pretty cool montage video for the creation of the rather larger Jehuty bust used to promote Zone of the Enders HD Collection. Showing its humble beginnings to its installation in Akiba and eventual removal. What is amazing though is the remixed track of Beyond The Bounds that accompanies the video (the full version being here). Anyway the full video is shown below.
As for our review, the consensus via Twitter and Facebook was a resounding “yes” for us to cover the new HD collection. So expect something in the next few weeks, apologies for the delay but we’re somewhat busy this end.

RT @mechadamashii: Videos: Jehuty Bust Montage:
ZOE forever! Mars’ Rights!