Videos: Hawken Updated Gameplay Trailer
Posted on : 01-03-2012 | By : Cacophanus | In : Videos
Hardware: PC
No doubt gearing up for this year’s GDC, a new gameplay trailer has been released for Hawken. It’s still looking nice but there’s an awful lot of tearing going on. We also love the new HUD a lot and it seems very reminiscent of Armored Core V’s approach too (this being obviously a good thing). We’re still keen to get our hands on with this as it looks to be very gritty and visceral. Roll on the game’s December release we say!

Since this is going to be on PC, I feel it’s not going to be very mechish, since it’s going to be using mouse and keyboard. The problem with mouse and mech games is that it’ll end up playing too much like an FPS. With a controller you can constantly be turning right by just a movement of the stick, and it makes it feel like you’re actually driving something. The mouse can’t do this, you’re stuck keeping flicking the mouse. This is is evident from the trailer.
You could use a gamepad to be sure, but there’s no way the gamepad would be fast enough to aim. The best implementation I’ve seen with a mixed turning and aiming system is that there’s a throttle up on turning with the mouse and if you move it in a certain direction you’ll turn continuously. It’s a bit more complicated than this but here’s a youtube video of what i’m talking about:
Right now, Hawken is looking a lot like Metal Rage, and for that reason I’m not looking too forward to it. At best it’s going to be like a glorified FPS with mech skins and a boost system. But from the looks of it isn’t Border Break(?) the arcade game is much like that and it seems to be ok.