Videos: Hawken gameplay trailer
Posted on : 31-03-2011 | By : Cacophanus | In : Videos
Hardware: PC, PlayStation 3, Xbox 360
A new gameplay trailer for the recently announced Hawken went live yesterday. This shows the game from a first person cockpit view. In short, it’s looking bloody impressive and the mecha appear to handle very nicely too. What’s interesting is that due to the size of the mecha (as in a couple of metres) they’ve managed to keep a solid FPS framework and still infer some weight, without doing the dumb thing of treating 20 metre tall mecha like a human being. In any case, the trailer is shown below.

Okay, SOLD. This seems very solid has a unique look. I like it as a mix of something like Mechwarrior and Gun Griffon I or II (The others are average at best).
Most convincing three-dimensional cockpit ever! Now you are the pilot and not just the mech eye-camera.