Videos: Gundam Unicorn Promo
Posted on : 21-01-2012 | By : Cacophanus | In : Videos
Hardware: PlayStation 3
The upcoming Gundam Unicorn game developed by From Software has received it’s first promo. Clocking in at over 5 minutes, almost the entirety of it features in game footage from cutscenes to actual gameplay. The latter is the most interesting as it shows something a bit similar to the older Another Century’s Episode games but without what looks like a tethered lock system (in fact the game looks an awful lot more manual, bar the melee). In any case, we’re seriously interested in getting our hands on this now and what with it released at the beginning of March we haven’t long to wait. The full promo is shown below.

any reason this looks like a ps2 game?
I was thinking maybe GameCube. But yeah…not very impressive. Nothing interesting to see here…
Graphics are from old gen, but the gameplay looks good. Only a long story mode can save it. Can they do it while only covering the first three chapters of Unicorn?
The attempts to recreate scenes from the anime verbatim are pretty bad.
The action looks snappy but I fear the effort to build context in relation to the anime for missions and stuff is going to make it pretty limp.
In other news, I hear AC5 averages 20 fps on PS3 😐