Videos: Gundam Unicorn Cover System and Delta Gundam Footage
Posted on : 24-02-2012 | By : Cacophanus | In : Videos
Hardware: PlayStation 3
The upcoming Gundam Unicorn PS3 game had some new footage uploaded to its official site recently. Showing the game’s cover system, with the MSN-06S Sinanju positively fraping its opponents followed by the MSN-001 Delta Gundam being pretty superfly. Overall, the combat is looking really quite fascinating still and we really can’t wait to play it for ourselves. Both videos are shown below.

Dude… it’s like ACE R. Obviously better but… it reminds me of ACE R
Well, no. ACER has a tethered/circle strafe lock for targets and there are large animation delay in terms of initiating attacks and movement.
This new Gundam Unicorn games looks to be far more fluid and manual in terms of control, with what looks like interruptible animations too.
Plus, ACER never had a cover system either. So this could be quite interesting to play.
It’s been a long while since I’ve had to rewind a promo video so I could back and try to figure out what the hell the player just did. I’m really hoping that the more acrobatic stuff going on in the Delta Gundam video is actually player-initiated rather than merely part of preset attack animations, because if it is the former, we could be looking at mecha gaming’s answer to Devil May Cry or Bayonetta. From has often created great mecha games, but they haven’t attempted to do much in the “stylish action” genre with the mecha offerings.
The ACE games on the PS2 are extremely functional, but I often felt that there was a certain flair that was lost by From Software when they made the game accessible and relatively easy to control–it made for a very fun game that modeled the many series of mecha in it fairly well (especially considering the diversity of the cast), but there was still an element of magic lost when you couldn’t really dodge at the last moment like a Newtype, or realized your melee attacks were just button mashes. Mecha anime, whether Real or Super, is all about aces pulling off crazy, impossible stunts, and the mecha action games we’ve gotten so far haven’t given us that same feeling. Yet.
I wasn’t looking forward to Mobile Suit Gundam UC before, but it seems the laser-focus of this game is giving From Software room to experiment.
Yeah, the fact it’s a very specific era of UC too means they can cater the control to something very specific. One of the more unfortunate aspects of the first three ACE games was that they did indeed have a single control solution for a very large roster of disparate mecha.
Dang. isn’t the Sinajua supposed to be red? This version is more of a “pale rust, drab”.
Maybe other people have better eyes than me, more color sensitivity, whatever, but games just seem to be getting more and more brown every year.
I think he was always supposed to be somewhat bordeaux as he is in this game.
My point is that this game is so low contrast that its nearly monochrome.