Videos: Gundam Memories Trailer
Posted on : 29-04-2011 | By : Cacophanus | In : Videos
Hardware: PlayStation Portable
The upcoming PSP game Gundam Memories received its first trailer recently which shows some gameplay footage. It’s clear already that this game will not be akin to Artdink’s Gundam Battle series but instead far closer to Yuke’s Gundam 00 Meisters game. Specifically in the way that combat is on a relatively fixed horizontal plane and the use of somewhat odious quick time events (which are now being called “Special Triggers”). Whilst it’s technically impressive what they’re getting out of the PSP, the game itself has us less interested than it did before. Plus, there’s also the unfortunate association with the ill conceived PS2 swansong Gundam Climax UC as the game operated similarly. There’s also a new write up over on 4Gamer as well, with some new screenshots.