Videos: Gundam Extreme VS Maxi Boost ON Coming to Arcades in Early March
Posted on : 20-02-2016 | By : donkey show | In : Videos
Hardware: Arcade
For those of you lucky enough to be living in Japan, the month of March will be exciting for Gundam VS fans over there. At the recent JAEPO expo, Bandai Namco have officially announced that Gundam Extreme VS Maxi Boost On will be released on March 9, 2016. As the latest version of the Extreme VS series, there will be the usual new suit additions, move changes, and game mechanic changes from the previous version. New to the fray are the G-Self, AGE-FX, Akatsuki Gundam, and Gundam Barbatos. There also appears to be a pink Gundam with a peacock smasher-like in the opening movie, which is probably from Gundam EXA. There are also three new bursts to choose from which replace the Drive system from Maxi Boost. Fighting Burst improves your melee capabilities, Shooting Burst improves reload speeds and allows you to cancel shooting attacks into each other, and Extend Burst allows you to escape attacks at half meter. There are over 160 units in the game as well!
As for everyone else that doesn’t have access to an arcade in Japan or Asia, we can only hope they announce Maxi Boost for the consoles soon after Maxi Boost On is released. Until then, check out the opening video and first PV below!

nah nah