Videos: Armored Core Verdict Day Third Livestream and New Death Animation
Posted on : 24-06-2013 | By : Cacophanus | In : Videos
Hardware: PlayStation 3, Xbox 360
The third livestream for Armored Core Verdict Day has been archived and we’ve linked it below. As you’d expect, a lot more was shown and discussed about the new UNAC AI system and it’s looking quite comprehensive. In addition, the game will also come with a new death animation for all ACs (with them tumbling to their respective dooms). This is somewhat reminiscent to the more ostentatious deaths seen in Last Raven. This new death animation was compiled into a new YouTube video, accompanied by suitably Shaft-tastic music, and we’ve included this below too. If we’re honest, the new rolling death looks a bit odd but maybe this is due to the camera angles they’ve chosen.

The game is shaping up very, very nicely, and I can’t wait to get my hands on it. I just hope two things: 1, that there will be enough players after a few months so that the Chromehounds style constant war multiplayer can be taken full advantage of, and 2, I hope to god they rework or just remove that death animation. It wasn’t so bad at first but seeing an AC hovering in mid air then rolling and bouncing off the ground till it explodes… just looks silly. I’d be just fine with it shorting out and exploding, but hey, I’m not From Software.
Could make it an actual ragdoll. but anyway, momentum usually means things will topple.
but yes, they do seem to be rolling a little too much.
Nevertheless I’m tickled by it.
Better than them just falling out of the sky like rocks and taking a knee.I’m kinda sad to see it’s taken well over a decade to get some proper death animations.