Videos: Armored Core Verdict Day Fifth and Sixth Livestream and Map Trailer
Posted on : 14-09-2013 | By : Cacophanus | In : Videos
Hardware: PlayStation 3, Xbox 360
What with Armored Core Verdict Day out at the end of this month, there have been all manner of events. From the aforementioned Raven’s Meeting as well as the final livestream (that went up only a few days ago). To top all that off, we also got a new trailer. Showing of the game’s 56 maps. It goes without saying that we’re really looking forward to this game and it’s release cannot come soon enough. Don’t forget you can still pre-order the game here (PS3) and here (360).

Looks like the Japanese version is $15 more than the US version
Here’s to hoping for no server region locks and frequent patch support from Namco. Lack of balance patches helped kill off the ACV community in the US.