Videos: Armored Core V Live Stream Footage
Posted on : 13-05-2011 | By : Cacophanus | In : Videos
Hardware: PlayStation 3, Xbox 360
The much anticipated live demo for Armored Core V has been and gone. Thankfully From Software archived the 2 hours plus of footage (shown below). The highlights, for us anyway, were the all new scan and combat modes for the HUD (with scan mode shown above) as well as the fact that the combat looked utterly bloody amazing. For those concerned that ACV would be slower than the last two games, don’t worry. Whilst it looks more manageable now, you’ll be boosting all over the place in what can only be described as ecstatic abandon. In short, October cannot come soon enough for us.

Hi, long time lurker, first time poster
I can’t wait for a short transcript of the live demo but the scan mode alone sold me on the game.
Also, i was a bit skeptic about the top down commander view but it seems pretty useful in play.
Indeed, October seems so far away Q_Q
Team play looks great! Interesting they are all using Xbox’s… The ‘tarento’ needs to chill out a little as well.
Not all that interesting. PSN is down
It was a bit underwhelming.Between the limited amount of actual demonstrating (We didn’t get to see the boost charge or drift,weapon stances,Overed Weapons, or customization) and the low resolution of the video It just felt lacking.While it could have been better its good to see all the positives of the game first hand.Ammunition types have returned and are affected by distance, enemies seem smarter and more importantly need to be approach from different angles,scaling was nice, and the animation was surprisingly fluid.The best part had to be the speed the was retained from AC4,its fast but still manageable.
Hopefully next week will prove to be better.
I couldn’t watch it, I was at the university 🙁
Did anyone record it?
Man, the things you have to sacrifice for the future…
I was having trouble with the video as well, but here are some of the highlights:
In the future, you no longer Destroy your enemies. You now “de-story” them. You are taking down those multi-story giant robots back down to size–literally. 😀
You’re the MAN! Thanks Toll, you’ve made my day 🙂
Damn, that was cool. Dug being able to boost into those big guys and knock ’em on their ass.
Looks like they’ll be featuring ACV again on the 19th.
Another set of previews was just released.They’re all based around the information that was given to Famitsu so for the sake of ease I’ll just post the 4Gamer link.You should really throw it through the translator,the preview contains alot of information that should have been demonstrated in the live stream.
I’m very disapointed :
The graphics are shit, it looks like an early Ps2 game in 720p. And oh come on, did you see the skybox? It’s a Snes mode 7. It’s catastrophic to release such an graphical insult in 2011.
The gameplay seems ok, yet very nervous like all AC.
Maybe too nervous : were’s the sence of making it believable?
What is the girl for? Huuuuuuu? Haaaaaannnnnn?
Nervous? It’s very fast and not at all pedestrian. Wouldn’t call it “nervous” though. If anything the control looks really quit comprehensive when it comes to movement.
Wait until we have a playable demo before making any judgments. A streaming or flash video of a game doesn’t always give you a sense of what the game actually looks like, due to the vagaries of video compression. Amazing looking games, when cut down in size to save bandwidth, can look far uglier than they actually do, or develop artifacts that you won’t see in the actual game.
My estimation of the graphics is that they’ll look great once the game is running in my Xbox 360, and the mecha are moving a hell of a lot faster than I originally thought they would, so it’s not quite fair to compare it to, say, most third-person shooters. Remember that these environments need to be comparatively huge in order for the tactical map to be necessary, plus From Software needs to make sure that two-teams in melee range needs to not drop frames just as the action is getting hot. Some drop in detail is expected when the battlefields are a hundred times as large, the players are at least eight times as fast, and the multiplayer focus means dropped frames can be a death sentence. If AC5 isn’t as pretty as Gears of War 3, then it’s because it’s bigger, faster, and more brutal than Gears could ever be.
As far as the Japanese girl is concerned, though, you’re right: there’s no excuse why every single Japanese stream needs a female to make strange noises as she doesn’t understand what’s going on. Then again, I suppose that’s what sells games over there. Everyone who buys AC5 in Japan is secretly hoping to invite their girlfriend over so she can make cute noises while watching the robots fight each other.
Second stream happened and the recording is up.