Videos: Armored Core V Extended 1 Live Stream Footage
Posted on : 20-05-2011 | By : Cacophanus | In : Videos
Hardware: PlayStation 3, Xbox 360
The latest live stream footage for Armored Core V, from the first of two extended sessions, is now archived (we’ve linked it below). For those that found the first session a bit hysterical, then you’ll be happy to hear that this session is much more grounded. Mostly because it is handled by the people at From Software themselves excluding the somewhat unnecessary “tarento” that were present in the first session, with Toshifumi Nabeshima (effectively the father of Armored Core) in the driving seat for most of the time. With each passing day, the more we learn and see of Armored Core V in action the more we feel compelled to build a time machine and zip forward to the game’s October release.

Can’t wait! The wall jumping part had me intrigued the most. I wonder what mobility options the different leg types will grant.
And what about the “leg shield”? I saw it on a few screenshots, and it seems to be something more than extra plating.
So far, we’ve seen that the leg shield pops open when a bipedal AC kneels to fire an equipped cannon. The shield also seems to be used in an overboost ram attack.
thanks for the explanation.
Oh how I hate those unneccesary personalities just hanging around while I’m trying to watch something.
At least they get it right in International presentations.
This is MUCH better thank you! Can’t wait for this game to come out!!
I wish they would do these in english as well as japanese or that someone could subtitle them :X. Its so strange trying to make sense out of a language you know almost nothing about. Especially when its pertaining to something people are this passionate about.