Videos: Armored Core V Closed Beta Live Stream
Posted on : 22-07-2011 | By : Cacophanus | In : Videos
Hardware: PlayStation 3, Xbox 360
The latest live stream for Armored Core V’s team based setup happened yesterday and is now archived accordingly. The full video is shown below and as always it’s fascinating to watch. What’s very much apparent is how much like Chrome Hounds the operator setup in Armored Core V really is. The tactical overview you get on the level that’s being generated by real players in the thick of combat is still uniquely wonderful. We really can’t wait to play this come October.

I wonder when they’re going to demonstrate Overed Weapons?
I am glad and find it interesting that the last demo was on a 360 and this one is obviously a PS3. Now if they’d only unify the servers so 360 and PS3 AC5 fans could play with each other. I think that would provide the most possible matches. I am glad both versions are up and running.
“As cool as this sneak peek was, Trion can’t let the finished Xbox 360 game connect to the PS3. “Microsoft won’t let Sony players play against them,” Rodberg said, before suggesting we change the topic to something less sensitive. Presumably the barrier is a corporate and/or technical incompatibility between the Xbox 360’s Xbox Live and Sony’s PS3/PSP PlayStation Network. Those services are separate enough that people who play, say, Call of Duty on one, can’t play that game against owners of the other, rival console.”
Though I am sure it’s true in the instance cited above and I agree it’s something we won’t see. It’s not impossible it’s just simply not being done. Also it would be easier if this was being hosted on dedicated servers, something I haven’t heard is true of AC 5 but was true of Chromehounds. If an Xbox can play PC players it can play PS3 players.
Mostly I was speaking to the greatness of having an unified structure for AC 5 because it gives us a wider player base when match making.
It won’t happen I wish it would.
I hope the US market gets access to those nifty AC5 exclusive headset accessories they showed :/.
Part two is coming August 5.