Videos: Another Century’s Episode Portable Trailer
Posted on : 15-11-2010 | By : Cacophanus | In : Videos
Hardware: PlayStation Portable
The upcoming Another Century’s Episode Portable has finally had its first trailer released. Despite the somewhat typical grand tour of the game’s menu system, the rest of the trailer shows actual in-game footage. The latter is potentially quite reassuring as it at least appears that the new PSP game is returning to how the awesome PS2 games operated. Especially when it came to boosting and how that interlinked with the combat. After the disappointing ACE:R, we’re now actually hopeful that the PSP game will be pretty decent. The game is released January 13th next year for 6,279 yen and you can pre-order it here.

OMG! It has the YF-19!
This is definitely at must buy for me.
Needs more G Gundam.
It looks very promising–I also do not have a problem with the mecha selection either. Hopefully the game will live up to what was seen in the trailer.
But at least I can count on MD to give a thorough review of the game…can’t wait for that!
I have to admit, I didn’t expect Vs. Knight Lamune.
Looks fantastic. I’m tempted to say ACE is back, but I’d rather not get too excited before we know more.
Also, whoever was voicing over this has a really good English accent.