Videos: AGE-FX Added to Gundam Extreme VS Maxi Boost On Roster
Posted on : 13-04-2016 | By : donkey show | In : Videos
Hardware: Arcade
While previously teased on banners before the game’s official release last month, it looks like AGE-FX is finally joining the rest of the cast in Gundam EXVS Maxi Boost On. As a 3000 cost unit, AGE-FX will definitely lay on the hurt with its arsenal of flying bits and porcupine-esque melee action. To help give it a bit more variety, AGE-FX can call on AGE-2 Dark Hound and the AGE-1 Full Glansa for various types of defensive and offensive assists. It also looks like it has somewhat of a mobile armor movement with AGE-FX hanging onto AGE-2 Dark Hound. There are also the C-Funnels for funnel hounding and the FX-Burst mode that improves your melee and movement capabilities. If you’re lucky enough to live in Japan and next to a game center, definitely give it a whirl and let us know how it stacks up to the rest of the cast. If not, you’ll just have to check out the video below!