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Videos: 2nd Super Robot Wars OG 4th Promo

Posted on : 29-10-2012 | By : | In : Videos



We now have a new 11 minute or so promo 2nd Super Robot Wars OG, full of new jiggling boobage as well as the Lord of Elemental mecha reveal. Though we did practically expire with joy at seeing RaiOh from Super Robot Wars Alpha 3. Anyway, the full promo is shown below and it is indeed glorious.


Comments (11)

I’m more excited for the return of Neo Granzon.

Also, dat guitar version of Tytti’s theme.

After waiting for so long to actually see RaiOh (considering it’s been on the box art image since the day the game was announced) I think I jumped about 2 feet off my chair when I finally saw the footage….all 8 seconds of it

…but what an 8 seconds it was! They saved the bit that excited me the most for the very end of the last trailer 🙂

gah sorry for the double post but I dont think this has been mentioned anywhere on the site yet. The first 3 PV’s have been available on the Japanese PSN store to download in full HD for about a month now. I seriously recommend having a look as they’re stunning! One of them has some out of sync audio, but the 3rd one especially is gorgeous. I cant wait for this one to get uploaded

Dang, was really hoping they’d include Granteed and Belzellute from Justice. 🙁

They’re probs gonna put them in the next OG a couple years down the track, also, i’d assume we’d get the two reals, bellezute and coustwell, with granteed being a secret unit or something.

would be interesting to see what they would do with the swappable sub pilots from J. Only other SRW’s I’ve seen that do that are the Z series with the Aquarion team members.

Anybody what the story is with the white/black Alteisen thing?

Anybody know what the story is with the white/black Alteisen thing?

As beautiful and awesome as this game looks, I doubt I will ever play it. I’ve hurled myself against the massive language-barrier of SRW for years now and sadly I’ve just hit the wall. I’ll wait for the inevitable anime release.

I can only hope the next anime doesn’t butcher the plot like The Inspector did.

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