Toys: Riobot Blodia Update
Posted on : 04-04-2013 | By : Cacophanus | In : Toys/Kits, Videos
Hardware: Arcade, PlayStation, PlayStation 3, PlayStation Portable, PlayStation Vita, Sega Saturn
Sentinel have updated their site for the forthcoming Riobot Blodia toy from Cyberbots. Showing all manner of new shots of the figure, which emphasises its use of diecast (see above), and a promotional video that shows of its various gimmicks. All told, it looks fucking amazing and is definitely going to be the best Blodia figure we’ve ever had. Whilst it is somewhat pricy (10,290 yen) it is a lot cheaper than many of Bandai’s high end outings, which is impressive. It will also be available in 2P colours as well (blue basically). The toy is released this July and you can pre-order yours here.

I heard the 2P colour isn’t just recoloured. It is also flipped mirror style like the video game (basically the arms are swapped, changing the position of the shield and the dual stake)