Toys: Isamu Dyson YF-29 DX Chogokin Transformation Video
Posted on : 21-12-2013 | By : Cacophanus | In : Toys/Kits, Videos
Hardware: PlayStation 3
In case you missed it, Bandai uploaded a helpful tutorial video (shown below) on how to handle and transform your Isamu Dyson YF-29 DX Chogokin from Macross 30 (which was also released today). Naturally, the transformation is pretty much identical to that of the already released YF-29 Durandal DX Chogokin but it’s nice to know that Bandai care. Whilst we passed on this in terms of the pre-order we may pick it up at some point, now that we’re located in Tokyo and amazing toy shops are in ample supply. Especially as this does in fact look like a rather lovely toy indeed.

The shared video is very interesting. I really enjoy with Chogokin Transformation video. Wonderful!