Toys: Tamashii Nations Akiba Showroom Report
Posted on : 15-11-2012 | By : Cacophanus | In : Toys/Kits
Hardware: PlayStation 2, PlayStation 3, PlayStation Portable, Xbox 360
Over at AmiAmi they have a lovely photo report of the Tamashii Nations Akiba Showroom. From the cool diorama above with the Hanged Man Super Robot Chogokin from Armored Core V, to awesome shots of the alternate coloured Billbine there’s lots of interesting stuff to see here. Talking of the former, there’s also a nice little piece about the designers feeding back on the new Hanged Man toy. Following on in the same vein, HobbyLink Japan are running a Bandai sale at present and there are some very good bargains to be had.

broken links. the “lovely phot report” and “nice little piece”