Toys: Robot Damashii Billbine Alternate Colour Announced
Posted on : 25-09-2012 | By : Cacophanus | In : Toys/Kits
Hardware: Dreamcast, MSX, PlayStation, PlayStation 2, Sega Saturn, Super Famicom, Wonderswan
Bandai have announced the later alternate colour version of the Billbine as one of their premium online shop only items. Pre-orders start today and the toy will be released in February of next year. Costing 4,275 yen it’s in the same price range as the original, though if you can find the latter at that price then good luck (as it’s already pretty rare now). If you live outside Japan then getting a hold of this will be a bit tricky but we will be nabbing one for sure. As “upgrades” go in anime, the alternate colour for Billbine didn’t actually do that much. Rather it was the supposed result of field maintenance and parts replacement during the extended battles back on Earth. Personally, we prefer the original colour scheme but the dark blue and green colours do make it look pretty tough.