Toys: Riobot Blodia Preview
Posted on : 19-02-2013 | By : Cacophanus | In : Toys/Kits
Hardware: PlayStation, PlayStation 3, PlayStation Portable, PlayStation Vita, Sega Saturn
So the much loved Blodia from Cyberbots will be getting a rather lovely looking toy, from Sentinel’s increasingly amazing Riobot line. We’ve covered this before but now we have some very nice pictures of the toy in question. As an aside, Sentinel’s Tumblr is worth bookmarking too. Despite the different player colours, which is a nice touch, the paint scheme on the figure looks very nice indeed and it also appears that the toy will have some manner of diecast (this being a good thing obviously). Still no word on a release date or price but it’s nice to know that Sentinel haven’t forgotten about the Blodia.