Toys: Revoltech Naked Jehuty Release Details
Posted on : 15-11-2012 | By : Cacophanus | In : Toys/Kits
Hardware: PlayStation 2, PlayStation 3, Xbox 360
The forthcoming Revoltech Naked Jehuty has been given an listing and it reveals not only its release date, that of January 15th next year, but also the very reasonable price point of 3,480 yen. Again part of the whole never ending PR for Zone of the Enders HD Collection, the design appeared at the end of Anubis and was intended to be Jehuty’s “final” form. Apparently, this toy will also be able to use the other peripherals released for the other Revoltech Jehuty toys.

RT @mechadamashii: Toys: Revoltech Naked Jehuty Release Details:
RT @mechadamashii: Toys: Revoltech Naked Jehuty Release Details:
RT @mechadamashii: Toys: Revoltech Naked Jehuty Release Details:
RT @mechadamashii: Toys: Revoltech Naked Jehuty Release Details: