Toys: Isamu Dyson YF-29 DX Chogokin Revealed
Posted on : 17-07-2013 | By : Cacophanus | In : Toys/Kits
Hardware: PlayStation 3
In a rather cool move, Bandai have announced that they will be releasing Isamu Dyson’s YF-29 from Macross 30. Not only will this have an all new paint job but a new head too. No word on whether the super packs will be made available for this though. As you’d expect this will be a webshop exclusive released this December for a pretty steep 17,850 yen. Isamu was a lot of fun in Macross 30 and having him upgrade from the YF-19 to the bleeding edge YF-29 was a nice touch, especially as the designs share the same forward swept wings. Whilst we’re not overly fond of all the YF-29 toy variants Bandai have been churning, we’re tempted with this one. Still no word on the YF-30 DX Chogokin as yet however.

Apparently, Arcadia is releasing another 1/60 VF-1S movie version.