Toys: ARX-7 Arbalest
Posted on : 29-09-2009 | By : Cacophanus | In : Toys/Kits
Hardware: GameBoy Advance, Nintendo DS
The recently released Robot Damashii toy of the ARX-7 Arbalest from Full Metal Panic! has been covered over at R-Side. Much like all other Robot Damashii toys, the Arbalest looks suitably poseable and well sculpted despite the cheaper cost and smaller size. The Arbalest was featured in both Super Robot Wars J and W.
Interestingly, the mecha designer responsible for this design, Kanetake Ebikawa, also penned the titular mobile suits in the recent Gundam 00 (notably that of the Exia and the 00 Gundam itself). In addition, Ebikawa has helmed the mecha design for the upcoming PSP shooter, Darius Burst.

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