Kits: Stasis preview
Posted on : 13-02-2010 | By : Cacophanus | In : Toys/Kits
Hardware: PlayStation 3, Xbox 360
Over at GA Graphic there is a lovely preview of the upcoming 1/72 scale TYPE-LAHIRE Stasis kit. Despite the somewhat erroneous header that states that this is a Ray Leonard frame, it’s actually made by Omer in the games (though it was meant to combat the high speed nature of Ray Leonard’s Aaliyah frame). The Stasis was exclusively featured in the recent Armored Core For Answer and was quite a nimble opponent. The design was also one of the few that wasn’t penned by a guest illustrator, but instead created in-house. This kit ships in April for 5,200 yen and you can pre-order it here.

Ah, the Stasis. Not just a few times did I end up swearing at this guy. When he finally sank into the ocean, I felt like a great (but ninja-like) weight had been lifted from my shoulders.
Heh, might end up purchasing one of these myself.