Posted on : 07-06-2016 | By : donkey show | In : Videos
Posted on : 01-06-2016 | By : donkey show | In : Videos
Posted on : 11-05-2016 | By : donkey show | In : Videos

Bandai Namco have added a brand new original unit to the Maxi Boost On roster, Extreme Gundam Excellia. This unit is comes from the Gundam EXA universe and piloted by Sthesia, who you might know as the main navigator of the series. Excellia looks to be a pretty solid long range unit with gerobis, funnel-like beams, and AoE blasts. Considering its variety of attacks and health, it looks to be at least a 2500 cost unit. And if you aren’t lucky enough to play this in Japanese arcades but have Extreme VS Force, this unit will also be appearing in the 1.04 update coming some time in the near future. Until then, check out some Excellia gameplay in the video below!
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Posted on : 11-05-2016 | By : Cacophanus | In : News
Posted on : 28-04-2016 | By : Tollmaster | In : News

As part of their Golden Week sale, Sony’s PSN store is offering deep discounts on the original PSone Armored Core and The Misadventures of Tron Bonne. Each are available for $2.99, and 25% cheaper than that with PS Plus. I’m not sure what mechanical war machines have to do with Golden Week, but it’s clear evidence that Japan has cooler holidays than anyone in the West.
For those of you asking if Tron Bonne counts as a true mecha game: if it’s a machine, if there’s a pilot, if it has legs, and if one of those legs could stomp a human skull into mash, then that’s a mecha. Sale ends on May 2nd.

Posted on : 22-04-2016 | By : donkey show | In : News
Posted on : 10-03-2016 | By : donkey show | In : Videos

Version 1.03 for Gundam Extreme VS Force has been released, bringing in lots of new content. This new patch adds six playable Mobile Suits to the fray, Course Battle mode, and other quality of life additions. Some of the new mobile suits include the brand new Mack Knife, GP02A, and Turn X Gundam. The inclusion of Course Battle mode was one of the many modes fans were clamoring to be added when the game first released in December of last year. It brings in the usual multi-stage courses that have been in previous Gundam Extreme VS games with varying difficulties. In the quality of life updates, Free Battle 1.01 adds the VS screen prior to a match starting and you can now change locked mobile suits in the Extreme Force mode once you’ve completed the mission. There’s also a custom button configuration for those of you who don’t like the default controls.
As for Version 1.04, Gundam Virsago Chest Break and Tallgeese II are joining the roster on top of more Free Battle updates. There’s also another addition to the roster that is currently unknown. Hopefully we’ll see more additions to the next update list, but until then check out the video of the Version 1.03 below!

Posted on : 01-02-2016 | By : donkey show | In : Videos

Bandai Namco have recently released the second PV to Gundam Breaker 3. This time it’s an 11 minute video showcasing the new variations of customization you can have on your mobile suits, how SD Gundams are implemented, and other game modes such as Story mode, Bounty Hunter and Challenger mode. Visually, the game is looking very nice running on the Playstation 4, especially when adding the weathering options to your mobile suit. While we still have more than a month until release, check out the video below!
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