Posted on : 26-10-2009 | By : Cacophanus | In : News

Courtesy of our good friends at HobbyLink Japan, we’ve been sent a kit from Armored Core 4 and For Answer to review. Specifically, Kotobukiya’s 1/72 scale Noblesse Oblige. This is an important design, as it was originally used to promote the original Armored Core 4 before its release (specifically in two trailers here and here). It also heralded the shift in mecha design towards the very talented Yuzo Kojima.
Our review only covers the kit in its out of the box and unpainted form (however, we have also included painted photos towards the end). In addition, to give the kit some context, we’ve also captured some HD gameplay footage of the design in action from Armored Core For Answer.

Posted on : 13-10-2009 | By : Cacophanus | In : Videos

For those that have yet to play and finish the wonderful Armored Core For Answer, here is a video from one of the various end game missions where you face multiple Nexts at once. The mission in particular is called the Occupation of Arteria Carpals and I’m playing it on the Hard difficulty on the first Regulation. It’s generally regarded as one of the most challenging missions in the game and as a consequence forces the player to utilise all manner of functional nuances at their disposal. This video has also been encoded in HD. Enjoy!

Posted on : 02-10-2009 | By : Cacophanus | In : News
Posted on : 30-09-2009 | By : Cacophanus | In : News
Posted on : 29-09-2009 | By : Cacophanus | In : News

Over on the Little Big Planet Central forums a poster by the name of “donkey show” is on the way to making a Gundam themed level, along with an Exia-esque mecha. Separately, he’s also done some nice customised Gundam Sackboys, seen above. The video below shows the level in action and it’s pretty impressive.

Posted on : 28-09-2009 | By : Tollmaster | In : News

The Tokyo Game Show brings us another set of hands-on impressions, from Kotaku this time.
There’s not too much in the way of new information, and Kotaku’s impressions take a turn for the negative near the end, but I’d guess some of their complaints could stem from either the playable demo being made easy so as to be more ‘accessible’, or them simply not having enough time to get acquainted with the movement and attack options.
It’s nice to see the wanzers’ rollers making an appearance to speed up the combat and give the player more tactical options. That, along with the previously mentioned on-foot combat will definitely invite comparisons to certain other games, and it looks like the Front Mission Evolved team has their work cut out for them.

Posted on : 28-09-2009 | By : Tollmaster | In : News

Famitsu recently posted an interesting piece of coverage for Front Mission Evolved, most probably to tie-in with its presence at the Tokyo Game Show. Despite the fact that the in-game screenshots look better than expected, the refreshing thing to see is that you can also get out of your wanzer and take on enemies as a mere human. This is something that was recently utilised in the fantastic Yuke’s developed VOTOMS game (which we’ve reviewed in case you’re curious) and naturally there are a large number of thematic links between the narratives, especially as to the scale and technical depiction of the mecha themselves.
That said, the video below doesn’t exactly bode well on how it might actually play…