Posted on : 03-04-2012 | By : Cacophanus | In : News
Posted on : 27-03-2012 | By : Cacophanus | In : News

As of a few days ago, a third DLC pack was released for the Gundam Unicorn game on PS3. Containing a lot more free content this time, the only really paid element (bar some emblems and a weapon pack) is another new mobile suit. Specifically that of the ARX-014 Silver Bullet (pictured above). Like much of the previous DLC mobile suit content, this too is also from the Bande Dessinee manga tie-in. Of all the MSV entries in Unicorn, this is probably one of the most interesting though. The design originally stems from the ORX-013 Gundam Mark V seen in Gundam Sentinel, which in turn produced the AMX-014 Doven-Wolf from Gundam ZZ and that in turn created the Silver Bullet. It’s also one of those mobile suits that looks like a Gundam but actually isn’t (much like the RGM-79FC Striker Custom, that’s actually a pimped out GM Striker). What’s curious about the Silver Bullet, in a functional sense at least, is that it has INCOM units. These are remote units attached via wire that can either reflect mega particle beam shots or create their own. Somewhat like funnels or bits, they historically don’t require a Newtype as a traditional psycommu system is rarely involved in their control and this means mass production is (in theory) more viable as normal pilots can handle them instead. In any case, we’re just happy we have even more mobile suits to play with.
Update: A fourth DLC has also been recently released, featuring a rather epic looking Full Armor Unicorn Gundam, at the princely sum of 500 yen.

Posted on : 27-03-2012 | By : Cacophanus | In : News

For our readers that are now finally playing Armored Core V, we’ve set up some Mecha Damashii teams for you. Due to the server split, we’ve created a team pretty much in each region. However, the US and European teams are only on the 360 version (Tollmaster runs the US team and I run the European one in case you’re wondering). So, come on and join up to have some fun with us. If that wasn’t enough, our own Tollmaster is also in the game’s credits. Requiring a truly gilded brofist to celebrate the occasion.
Moving on from that, there has been a lot of (Japanese fan) speculation about an official Armored Core series timeline since Armored Core V was released in late January. Whilst there is a timeline in Armored Core Mechanical Guidance and Armored Core 10 Works Complete File that covers the PSone and PS2 games, the newer games (even including Chrome Hounds) haven’t really been officially explained as yet. We’ll be collating this over the next few days and doing a post on it most likely but in the meantime join in the fun on Armored Core V.

Posted on : 21-03-2012 | By : Cacophanus | In : News
Posted on : 21-03-2012 | By : Cacophanus | In : News
Posted on : 18-03-2012 | By : Cacophanus | In : Reviews

As of yesterday, a second batch of DLC was released for the new Gundam Unicorn game. Featuring all manner of characters, missions and mobile suits (some free and others paid), we’re most happy to see the MSN-001X Gundam Delta Kai present and correct. Having downloaded and played with the mobile suit, it really is quite beastly. Featuring a very powerful and accurate long range beam rifle, it also packs prototype funnels that fire beam shotgun (!) projectiles. It can also transform and pack a variety of other weapon load-outs too. We’ve included a nice little video of it in action below. As for our review, that’s still forthcoming but we can say that we’re impressed with the game thus far and that it’s very reminiscent of the earlier Another Century’s Episode games.

Posted on : 15-03-2012 | By : Cacophanus | In : Videos

Not long after the game’s announcement, Gundam Battle Operation has received its very first promo video (shown below). It comprises entirely of in-game footage, from mobile suits doing combat rolls (no, really) to teeny people taking down said mobile suits with a variety of weaponry. Some of the animation looks pretty fluid in places but this game really reminds us of the very ill-fated Gundam Operation Troy on 360. Admittedly, the development was outsourced on that but the attempt to effectively turn Gundam into a Battlefield game didn’t really work out. Likewise, this looks to be a similar setup in places but we hope it will work out a bit better this time. That aside, the engine and tech do look more and more from Gundam Senki 0081 though and this is definitely a good thing, as that already had a pretty solid multiplayer infrastructure. There are also some nice screemshots of the game over at Famitsu too.

Posted on : 14-03-2012 | By : Cacophanus | In : News

In the latest issue of Famitsu, Bandai Namco have announced Gundam Battle Operation (pictured above). A free to download online multiplayer PSN title that will very likely offer further paid content (freemium basically). It’s being developed by B.B. Studio, though they’re citing the upcoming Super Robot Wars Z 2 Saisei-hen as a reference. That’s a little odd as it’s far more likely being developed by the team who made Gundam Senki 0081, who are also part of B.B. Studio (plus the early screenshots look like it’s similar tech anyway). Apart from the freemium thing, which inherently concerns us (as many titles that adopt this model are often pretty crappy to play, though Hawken may likely change all that to be fair), we are more worried if Terada gets involved in this. As whenever he ventures outside of SRW he tends to ruin everything, especially when it comes to action games. That aside, the game seems to be set in early Universal Century, judging from the mobile suits on display, and will feature 12 player online matches (6 per side). Apparently, you’ll also be able to exit your mobile suit and walk around on foot too. There will also be a closed beta at the end of March for 10,000 players and the final game is expected in June.

Posted on : 13-03-2012 | By : Cacophanus | In : News