The sequel to the first freemium Gundam game by Bandai Namco is now finally out in the wild. Compared to the beta version Gundam Battle Operation Next is definitely an improvement, in regards to general movement and controls, but it’s still pretty underwhelming. Bear in mind we’re in Japan so server issues and lag aren’t really a problem but even then the game is not exactly great. While it may look similar to the Gundam Breaker games, the core team behind that didn’t work on this (which likely explains why the gameplay element feels so disappointing). In any case, the game is now out on both PS3 and PS4 so you can see for yourselves what it’s like.
[flash https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8-53WS9hoLM]

Posted on : 25-08-2015 | By : donkey show | In : News
Posted on : 11-07-2015 | By : Cacophanus | In : Videos

Following the reveal we now have some initial combat footage for the Platinum Games developed Transformers Devastation. We’re loving the cel shading and the combat looks decent enough too but the whole aerial ramming in vehicle mode looks a bit odd. It will be interesting to see how it will play once it is released in October this year. We’re definitely excited for it though, which is a novel feeling to have for a Transformers games.
[flash https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rCJJYMsgSsk]

Posted on : 11-07-2015 | By : donkey show | In : News
Posted on : 25-06-2015 | By : donkey show | In : News
Posted on : 14-06-2015 | By : Cacophanus | In : News
Posted on : 28-05-2015 | By : donkey show | In : News
Posted on : 21-05-2015 | By : donkey show | In : Videos

Bandai Namco have uploaded a new video highlighting the four new DLC suits to appear next week in conjunction with the Gundam Extreme Versus Full Boost 1.08 update. The four new units are Full Armor Unicorn Gundam, Avalanche Exia, Sandrock Kai, and Char’s Zaku II. All these units have been brought over from Maxi Boost and will cost 476 yen plus tax. We’ve seen other suits cross over from the sequel as well, so it will be interesting to see how the new units perform in Full Boost. Interestingly enough, both Banshee Norn and ReGZ will be receiving nerfs on the 1.08 update as well due to their rather impressive performance in Full Boost from Maxi Boost, so we’ll see if the new four will be properly balanced too. As Perfect Gundam has already been unintentionally teased in images promoting the new update, we can only wonder what new units will become DLC for Full Boost in the near future. Make sure to check out the video below and let us know what other units should join the fray!
[flash https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NMVG0T-du8U]

Posted on : 19-05-2015 | By : Cacophanus | In : Reviews
Back in 2009, during the last days of the PS2, we saw the first game in the Z series made digital flesh. It was quite the departure from the previous Alpha series and also boasted an all new 2D animation engine. It was also a pretty damn fantastic game, that used focus groups of three units to offset the formations of enemy attackers.
Not long after that the PSP saw host to the second part of the Z series, in the form of Hakai-hen and Saisei-hen. These were more streamlined and dropped the formation approach for single units while still retaining some lovely animation. Then last year we received the first part to the third instalment, called Jigoku-hen it was split across PS3 and Vita with cross save functionality enabled. Taking a middle approach with having each group comprising of two units, it sat neatly between the first game and its portable offspring. That made sense as it was both a console and a portable game. It also looked incredible.
So now after six years we have reached the end of the road with the Z series and Tengoku-hen doesn’t disappoint.