Posted on : 28-06-2013 | By : Cacophanus | In : Videos

Following on from the previous promo for Masou Kishin III, we know have a similar brief entry. This time it features Fang Xan Vicias and his mecha Giorias. In addition to this, apparently the game will feature a cross save setup. Allowing Vita and PS3 owners of the gamer to exchange save data via a server. Admittedly, you’ll have to buy both versions of the game but it’s a nice little thing to do. Still no word on winkysoft and it’s looking like we’ll have to wait until the game is released this August before we’ll know for sure. Don’t forget you can pre-order it here.

Posted on : 24-06-2013 | By : Cacophanus | In : Videos

The third livestream for Armored Core Verdict Day has been archived and we’ve linked it below. As you’d expect, a lot more was shown and discussed about the new UNAC AI system and it’s looking quite comprehensive. In addition, the game will also come with a new death animation for all ACs (with them tumbling to their respective dooms). This is somewhat reminiscent to the more ostentatious deaths seen in Last Raven. This new death animation was compiled into a new YouTube video, accompanied by suitably Shaft-tastic music, and we’ve included this below too. If we’re honest, the new rolling death looks a bit odd but maybe this is due to the camera angles they’ve chosen.

Posted on : 21-06-2013 | By : Cacophanus | In : Videos

We have had a brief but cool promo released for Masou Kishin III, showing Remia off in her Termium Buster. The game is obviously looking lovely but we still don’t know whether winkysoft is behind this. Pride of Justice is still also set for its August 22nd release and you can pre-order it here.

Posted on : 10-06-2013 | By : Cacophanus | In : News
Posted on : 06-06-2013 | By : Cacophanus | In : Videos

We now have a nice long new promo for Gundam Breaker (shown below). It shows all manner of stuff, such as the ability for HG (1/144 scale) and MG (1/100 scale) kits to face off as well as the ability to kitbash the respective gunpla ranges together (resulting in mobile suits that look rather cute). The promo is also voiced by Kamille (Nobuo Tomita) and Haman (Yoshiko Sakakibara), which is pretty cool. The controls have also bee updated too, with the right stick able to cycle through locked on targets (flipping the stick up will target larger enemies). The game is released on June 27th and you can pre-order the PS3 version of the game here.

The third livestream for Armored Core Verdict Day will be happening on the 21st June (you’ll be able to watch it here). The previous livestream is also online here if you want to watch it. From what we’ve been seeing it seems that the game is going to be very good indeed. In addition, there are lots of rumours flying on Japanese boards about merged servers. If true that would make a huge and very positive difference to the game’s online community and potential longterm success.

Posted on : 17-05-2013 | By : Cacophanus | In : News