Posted on : 17-09-2013 | By : donkey show | In : News
Posted on : 14-09-2013 | By : Cacophanus | In : Videos

What with Armored Core Verdict Day out at the end of this month, there have been all manner of events. From the aforementioned Raven’s Meeting as well as the final livestream (that went up only a few days ago). To top all that off, we also got a new trailer. Showing of the game’s 56 maps. It goes without saying that we’re really looking forward to this game and it’s release cannot come soon enough. Don’t forget you can still pre-order the game here (PS3) and here (360).

Posted on : 11-09-2013 | By : donkey show | In : News

Looks like we’ll be finally getting the home version of Gundam Extreme Versus Full Boost for the PS3 in 2014. Not much information has come out quite yet, but there have been a few tidbits that have caught the eye. Aside from mentioning there will be 20 new units on the way (meaning more than likely on top of the Gundam Extreme Versus roster), it looks like Bandai Namco is putting a bit more effort into the game’s online functionality. There will be 12 player lobbies, more matchmaking options via setting the rank or win percentage, and online Arcade mode co-op. There will also be a Premium G Sound Edition that includes 30 more tracks not included in the arcade version, including 5 original tracks. I’m sure we’ll hear more information during the Tokyo Game Show next week and update you as soon as possible!
Update: Over at Famitsu they have a bunch of nice new screenshots regarding the announcement.

Posted on : 09-09-2013 | By : Cacophanus | In : News
Posted on : 05-09-2013 | By : donkey show | In : News

Shin Gundam Musou, the latest in the Gundam Musou series by Koei, has been recently announced for the PS3 and Vita in the recent issue of Famitsu. The game will be arriving to Japanese market on December 19th and will include the return of the Official Story modes for several Gundam series. These will include new additions from Gundam Seed, Seed Destiny, and Gundam U.C. (Unicorn). Not much has been released in regards to gameplay changes, but the graphical style has returned to a non-celshaded look, unlike Gundam Musou 3. It’s a strange decision as I really enjoyed 3’s aesthetics. There’s also 100+ playable mecha, including the RX-0 Unicorn Banshee. No word on whether or not the game will be imported to the western market, but if the previous games are anything to go by, it will eventually come down the line. Also, no 360 version has been announced as well.

In a somewhat worrying move, Banpresto have announced Super Robot Wars OG Infinite Battle. This will be an arena based action game in a similar vein to that of Gundam Extreme Versus, except that this won’t be made by Byking. Instead, this is an in-house affair and the last time Banpresto tried to do an arena based action game themselves it didn’t go too well. Following on from this, there will also be a tie-in DLC called Dark Prison for OG2 if you buy Infinite Battle (though this will be released separately at a later date as well). This bundle of gaming joy will be released on November 28th for 7,480 yen and is a PS3 exclusive. If you’re curious to see more, then Famitsu has a nice piece on the game.

Posted on : 22-08-2013 | By : Cacophanus | In : News