Following on from the regular Robot Damashii ZZ Gundam, we’ll be now getting a new toy of the mighty FA-010S Full Armor ZZ Gundam this August. Priced at 7,560 yen it’s a bit pricier than the regular version but it comes with more gimmicks and is a fair bit bigger. It’s not quite as sleek as the version in the anime but it’s still most welcome nonetheless, as the last toy we had of this was the godawful Gundam FIX Figuration version and then in the Sentinel colours. This new Robot Damashii figure looks just the ticket and as with the rest of the line, it will likely have great articulation too.
Update: This is a web shop exclusive.

Posted on : 22-03-2014 | By : Cacophanus | In : News

We now finally have details on the release of threeA’s Metal Gear Ray toy. Released this August, the toy will cost around 46,000 yen (in terms of RRP, though you should be able to find it cheaper). This is a fair bit more than threeA’s Metal Gear Rex that was released at the end of 2012. If we’re honest, we were bitterly disappointed with the Rex toy. For one the colour scheme was entirely wrong, it had nonsensical blue LEDs everywhere and, most damning of all, it lacked any diecast. This absence of diecast, especially in the joints, meant that due to its size the toy was rather delicate (as joints have been reported to sheer clear off). Thankfully this new Ray toy has the right colour scheme but it still lacks any diecast in the joints from what we can make out. Considering the price tag, this oversight is still very unfortunate.