Toys: Super Robot Chogokin Zeorymer Announced
Posted on : 31-10-2011 | By : Cacophanus | In : Toys/Kits
Hardware: GameBoy Advance, PlayStation 2, PlayStation Portable
One of the next Super Robot Chogokin from Bandai is one of our favourite super robots. That of the mighty Zeorymer. One of Yasuhiro Moriki’s most iconic designs, the mecha actually originated in a pretty pervy hentai manga by none other than Yoshiki Takaya (of Guyver fame). Though Moriki’s anime version has quite a different aesthetic, something that would go on to be used on the rather awesome looking RX-105 Xi Gundam. In gaming terms, Zeorymer is possibly one of the most poweful units ever to grace Super Robot Wars. Appearing in both J and MX it basically pwned pretty damn hard (and let’s not even talk about Great Zeorymer). Whilst there have been a few Zeorymer toys over the years, from Gigabrain and Yamato, they’ve all been pretty disappointing. This, on the over hand, will be properly good. For those that want this, it’s set for a February release next year.