News: Holiday mecha game bargains
Posted on : 09-12-2009 | By : Cacophanus | In : News
Hardware: Dreamcast, Nintendo DS, PC Engine
Over at Play Asia, there are a bunch of lovely mecha games going at a discounted price. Some of them are also quite rare. Such as the Dreamcast Gundam Rise from the Ashes Premium Disc, this was originally sold directly to fans via a coupon from the original game and then only in Japan (if you’re curious about the full game, we’ve already reviewed it). You then have the even rarer Macross Eternal Love Song, a classic NCS strategy game on the PC Engine – so very much in the spirit of Langrisser in case you’re wondering. Finally, the more recent Emblem of Gundam and Super Robot Wars K on the Nintendo DS should also keep your strategy leanings satiated.