News: Ex Zeus Might Show The Way For Other Android Game Developers
Posted on : 09-03-2010 | By : Fort90 | In : News, Videos
Hardware: Google Android
Whereas the iPhone has become the premier mobile platform to develop games for, Apple’s primary rival in that space, Google’s Android, has yet to catch on among developers despite promises of greater power and versatility. Mostly due to the fact that, upon the Android Native Development Kit’s release, the associated handsets were not up to snuff, though the current crop are more than up to the task at last. Yet the game dev scene seems relatively barren, though HyperDevbox might wake some folks up via their latest incarnation of Ex Zeus. The game was a mediocre at best on-rails shooter for the arcade and home systems (which went by a different name on the Wii, as Counter Force), but was a fairly impressive showcase of the iPhone’s graphical abilities, at least during it’s somewhat early days. This latest iteration supposedly makes full use of the NDK, can be launched from a micoSD card, and utilizes a custom sound driver.
The game appears to look a tad bit sharper than the iPhone version, or it could simply be the video smoothing things out. Anyhow, all this hotness comes at a price; only the most up to speed devices can support the game, which means only Droid and Nexus One users for here in the states. It’s available now in the Android Market for $3.99, a full dollar more than the iPhone version. Hmmm. Via Engadet.