In a new video on the Bandai Metal Build F91 page (also shown below), we have finally been given more details about the upcoming toy. Besides its elegant silhouette, the toy will also have four main points that gives it a distinction from previous Metal Builds. It is the first toy in the range to utilize etched parts, which allow for more detail than its counterparts. In addition, it will also be given the V.S.B.R, a brand new gimmick from the designer Kunio Okawara, which is a metallic rifle that also extends to reveal much more. Up next are the heat-radiating fins, which protrude from the shoulder pads. The final point is that you have the ability to open the face of the F91 (which is my favorite feature of the four, because when was the last time you saw a Gundam without its mask?). The Metal Build F91 will be released April 2017 for the price of 20,520 yen. Until then, I’ll keep you in the loop with any further updates.
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Posted on : 23-08-2016 | By : donkey show | In : News
Posted on : 11-08-2016 | By : donkey show | In : Videos

Hot off the recent release of Mobile Suit Gundam Thunderbolt: December Sky comes the addition of the Full Armor Gundam in EXVS Maxi Boost ON! Described as an all-rounder unit with a penchant for ranged attacks, this 2500 cost unit is definitely no stranger to missile spam. From the video, it initially feels somewhat reminiscent of Full Armor Unicorn in its first form but with some good mobility. It also does not seem shy about getting in your face with a special melee move that blocks projectiles in front of you as you dash. We also get to see it purge its armor during the burst attack, but whether or not it remains off afterwards is another story. Once again, if you’re lucky to be living in Japan or Asia where they have Maxi Boost ON cabinets, you’ll be able to mess around with the new unit on August 16 on an early release. At the very least, check out the teaser trailer for it below!
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Posted on : 20-07-2016 | By : donkey show | In : News
Posted on : 09-06-2016 | By : donkey show | In : Videos

The Akatsuki Gundam returns to the VS series in Gundam EXVS Maxi Boost On! Last seen in Gundam VS Gundam Next, the Akatsuki brings in more pack-switching action to the roster. Changing between the Oowashi and Shiranui pack allows for different movesets, similar to other pack-switching units like the Strike and Impulse before it. The Shiranui pack has its funnel-like dragoons to attack from long range or act as a beam shield similar to Nu Gundam. The Oowashi pack appears to provide more mobility and a better plethora of melee attacks. And it wouldn’t be the Akatsuki if it didn’t have its beam deflection ability. It will be interesting to see if it works on gerobi type attacks as well. Granted we won’t be seeing Maxi Boost On outside of Japanese arcades for a long time, check out the release trailer for the Akatsuki below!
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Posted on : 11-05-2016 | By : donkey show | In : Videos

Bandai Namco have added a brand new original unit to the Maxi Boost On roster, Extreme Gundam Excellia. This unit is comes from the Gundam EXA universe and piloted by Sthesia, who you might know as the main navigator of the series. Excellia looks to be a pretty solid long range unit with gerobis, funnel-like beams, and AoE blasts. Considering its variety of attacks and health, it looks to be at least a 2500 cost unit. And if you aren’t lucky enough to play this in Japanese arcades but have Extreme VS Force, this unit will also be appearing in the 1.04 update coming some time in the near future. Until then, check out some Excellia gameplay in the video below!
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Posted on : 13-04-2016 | By : donkey show | In : Videos

While previously teased on banners before the game’s official release last month, it looks like AGE-FX is finally joining the rest of the cast in Gundam EXVS Maxi Boost On. As a 3000 cost unit, AGE-FX will definitely lay on the hurt with its arsenal of flying bits and porcupine-esque melee action. To help give it a bit more variety, AGE-FX can call on AGE-2 Dark Hound and the AGE-1 Full Glansa for various types of defensive and offensive assists. It also looks like it has somewhat of a mobile armor movement with AGE-FX hanging onto AGE-2 Dark Hound. There are also the C-Funnels for funnel hounding and the FX-Burst mode that improves your melee and movement capabilities. If you’re lucky enough to live in Japan and next to a game center, definitely give it a whirl and let us know how it stacks up to the rest of the cast. If not, you’ll just have to check out the video below!
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Posted on : 02-03-2016 | By : donkey show | In : Videos

Looks like we have our first individual mobile suit gameplay trailer for Gundam Extreme VS Maxi Boost ON! It features the Mack Knife from G no Reconguista. As a 2000 cost mobile suit, it looks to have many tools with mid-range stuns, a mobile armor mode, and grappling hooks to pull enemies in for some close range shenanigans. The unit will also be released on Gundam Extreme VS Force as part of the co-collaboration between the two games on March 9th. Perhaps we’ll see more units from ON come to Force in the near future as well. Until then, check out the gameplay video below!
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Posted on : 20-02-2016 | By : donkey show | In : Videos

For those of you lucky enough to be living in Japan, the month of March will be exciting for Gundam VS fans over there. At the recent JAEPO expo, Bandai Namco have officially announced that Gundam Extreme VS Maxi Boost On will be released on March 9, 2016. As the latest version of the Extreme VS series, there will be the usual new suit additions, move changes, and game mechanic changes from the previous version. New to the fray are the G-Self, AGE-FX, Akatsuki Gundam, and Gundam Barbatos. There also appears to be a pink Gundam with a peacock smasher-like in the opening movie, which is probably from Gundam EXA. There are also three new bursts to choose from which replace the Drive system from Maxi Boost. Fighting Burst improves your melee capabilities, Shooting Burst improves reload speeds and allows you to cancel shooting attacks into each other, and Extend Burst allows you to escape attacks at half meter. There are over 160 units in the game as well!
As for everyone else that doesn’t have access to an arcade in Japan or Asia, we can only hope they announce Maxi Boost for the consoles soon after Maxi Boost On is released. Until then, check out the opening video and first PV below!
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