News: Armored Core V World Setting
Posted on : 13-06-2011 | By : Cacophanus | In : News
Hardware: PlayStation 3, Xbox 360
After the veritable yearly clusterfuck that is E3, Armored Core V has exited out the other side safely. Whilst not displayed at the show, unlike Dark Souls From Software’s other forthcoming title, Armored Core V is still ticking along in terms of its PR. This week 4Gamer have a piece on the details behind area acquisition and how that culminates in effectively an AC face-off as well as some information on the game’s back story. Much like the 1997 original, humanity has suffered a global catastrophe, though this time brought about by environmental forces. With wars erupting across the globe as resources become precious and suitably rare. The interesting twist though is that the AC’s actually pre-date this devastation and are dug up from deep underground, in a manner not too dissimilar to the events in Panzer World Galient. Separately, there are now new character types known as “migrants” that travel between areas of the world to trade resources (including weapons). Whether these will act as mobile shops is not clear as yet though.