Posted on : 22-11-2011 | By : Cacophanus | In : News
Posted on : 18-11-2011 | By : Cacophanus | In : News
Posted on : 18-11-2011 | By : Cacophanus | In : Videos

There’s now a new promo video for Gundam Mokubo no Kiseki out. Apart from showing some rather dated FMV footage, the video does actually show a fair bit of gameplay. It’s very clear that the game’s two modes of battle will work out to be pretty interesting but what’s especially refreshing is how fluid the full battle mode appears. Basically, this looks like it could be a proper little hand-held RTS. The full video is below.

Posted on : 15-11-2011 | By : Cacophanus | In : News
Posted on : 14-11-2011 | By : Fort90 | In : News

For those who haven’t heard the news, Capcom is accepting emblem designs for the upcoming Xbox 360 pseudo-sequel. The deadline is November 15th, 11:59pm, which depending on where you live, is either a little less than 24 hours away, or a little over.
Capcom of America, UK, France, Germany, Italy, and Japan (naturally) are all taking part. Each region has it’s own preferred method of accepting submissions; because I live in the US, I’ll simply pass along Capcom Unity’s blog post on the matter, which can redirect all interested parties to his or her local branch of Capcom.
Though what’s being asked is fairly consistent across the board: 512×512 pixels, preferably a layered Photoshop file, though jpegs, pngs, tiffs, and bitmaps are also accepted. Hopefully one of our fine readers will create a distinctly Mecha Damashii-ish design on everyone’s behalf!

Posted on : 14-11-2011 | By : Cacophanus | In : Videos

Now with Gundam Extreme Versus a little over two weeks from release, the PR machine has gone into NT-D mode. Below is a lovely shiny new TV advert for the game. Whilst it shows snippets of fresh footage, it doesn’t really reveal anything earth shattering (but it is in HD). Plus, it also gives us an excuse to show the Hi-Nu Gundam yet again, though this time violating a Geara Doga. If you haven’t pre-ordered the game already, then you really need to do so here.

Posted on : 13-11-2011 | By : Fort90 | In : Toys/Kits

We first saw threeA‘s gorgeous looking Metal Gear Rex exactly two years ago today. But virtually nothing been said or seen ever since. To the point that those who still remember it have naturally assumed that the statue was quietly cancelled. Then earlier this year, threeA passed along a blog post of what looked to be a rail gun, one similar to what Rex was sporting, but which also lights up. A feature that no one knew about, at least based upon the prototype pics.
No further information was given, but at least it was evidence that Rex was still alive. And just a few days ago, another update was provided, with concrete info at long last. Aside from looking better than ever, we can also see that the cockpit and its “eyes” also lights up. A timeframe in which all interested parties was also given: this upcoming January. No word how much it will weigh, but it sure looks heavy, especially since we do know its height: 42 cm, or 16.5 inches.
And according to Ashley Wood, who is not only Hideo Kokjima’s go to illustrator for all things Metal Gear these days (aside from Yoji Shinkawa, of course), but is one of folks who runs the threeA empire: because every part is ABS and requires injection molds, the price tag will be steep. It’s also worth noting that he still considers Rex a toy and simply a statue, which given its size and cost is what most of us were viewing it as. The rumoured price is somewhere between $400-500.

Posted on : 13-11-2011 | By : Cacophanus | In : News
Posted on : 09-11-2011 | By : Cacophanus | In : News
Posted on : 09-11-2011 | By : Tollmaster | In : News
Hardware: PC

Relic Entertainment recently added the Tau Commander to their survival-style mode “The Last Stand” in Dawn of War II: Retribution. This development came out of left field, since the original game didn’t include the Tau race in the first place, and while only a single hero unit represents them here, it’s still very nice to have a frequent fan request added, especially this late in the game’s lifecycle.
The Tau Commander plays much like veterans of the Tau’s previous appearance in Dark Crusade expect: amazing at ranged combat, but defenseless up close. The Commander actually deals no damage in melee, so keeping him out of stand-up fights is imperative, and to aid him in that he has a very effective jetpack which allows him to boost around the battlefield. Keep him out of harms way, though, and he’ll light up enemies with gatling lasers or a minor Itano Circus of missiles.
There are two points of contention regarding the fellow, however. First, there’s the perennial “Tau Are Too Anime” debate which always crops up, and while you cannot deny that the Tau were designed with at least some Asian influence, their vehicles and armor are a far cry from anything an anime fan would remark as traditional mecha design. Their humanoid (Tauoid?) mecha look more like a particularly blocky MT from Armored Core than they do even the most Real of Real Robots. Second, the price for this single new character in a single mode of the game costs $9.99, a full third of what the whole of Retribution originally launched for. While this seems like it could be the beginning of a DLC nightmare, Relic has done an exemplary job with keeping patches coming to their games and even adding new content (including the original Last Stand!) for free to their games, and they’re likely just trying to earn back their investment by charging what hardcore fans are willing to pay.