Posted on : 06-07-2012 | By : Cacophanus | In : News
Posted on : 05-07-2012 | By : Cacophanus | In : Reviews
Despite the ongoing and thoroughly erroneous myth that all Gundam games are awful, it’s always nice to play a new Gundam Battle game by Artdink. Pretty much every game in the series has given us hours of gaming pleasure (to a greater or lesser extent obviously). So to finally have another Gundam Battle game after Universe announced for the PS Vita, we were more than a little excited. Interestingly though instead of using the Universal Century timeline, the game is solely based around the Cosmic Era from the Gundam SEED saga.
Despite what many think, changing up to develop from PSP to Vita is no mean feat for a developer as small as Artdink. As the handheld is closer to PS3 levels of development, which means exponentially more art resources and greater code risks. Picking SEED was a relatively “safe” choice as after the original Gundam as it’s one of the pantheon’s most successful entries and if Artdink ballsed it up then the precious UC timeline brand would be untarnished on the new platform. Not to mention that Gundam Assault Survive didn’t really help Artdink in securing more UC timeline work.
In any case, we are very happy to report that Artdink didn’t balls up this new game at all and in fact it’s rather good indeed.

Posted on : 03-07-2012 | By : Cacophanus | In : News

Since the game’s release last Thursday, Gundam Battle Operation has already amassed 300,000 downloads. It’s worth understanding that this isn’t the same thing as sales but it’s not bad going. To commemorate this, Bandai Namco have offered some free energy (as in play tokens) via their site, sadly it only allows Japanese mobile phone e-mail addresses to be entered.
After playing it a fair bit though, we think the game is wholly awful. From the mobile suit handling to the truly appalling framerate, it all harks back to Target in Sight. We’re not alone in our scathing appraisal of the game either. We’ve not experienced any lag however, which some people have reported. For those few that are enjoying this though; would you still enjoy it as much if it had cost you the same as another boxed game?

Posted on : 30-06-2012 | By : Cacophanus | In : Videos

A new promo for E.X. Troopers has been uploaded. Whilst it shows some more gameplay and characters, it still lacks a HUD so we’re not sure how much of the “game” we’re actually seeing. That said, if the boosting setup shown in the video is in any way present in the final game then we’re completely sold. It harks back to the rather glorious, if a little unwieldy (initially at least) Gunvalkyrie. Anyway, the other big news is that Dai Sato will be penning the scenario for the game. This is a pretty big deal, as Sato is responsible for some of the most lucid and eloquent scripts ever seen in anime. There will also be a promotional anime made by Satelight (Kawamori’s studio) too. Following on from that it also seems the game will feature co-op, but after Monster Hunter who’s really surprised about that? Especially in Capcom game where you fight giant monsters. Anyway, the more we hear about this game the more we want it. The new promo is shown below.

Our good friends at HobbyLink Japan have rolled out a new setup for the site and shipping. The new system will allow you to track the details of your orders in realtime as well as control how you group your items together. Below is a pretty thorough video explaining the rationale behind all the changes and what that will mean to all their customers. Personally, we’re really glad that these changes have happened and they were a really long time in coming but the wait was worth it.

Posted on : 28-06-2012 | By : Cacophanus | In : News