Posted on : 11-01-2013 | By : Cacophanus | In : News
Posted on : 10-01-2013 | By : Cacophanus | In : News
Posted on : 10-01-2013 | By : Cacophanus | In : News

Looks like the recent 1.02 patch for the PS3 version of Gundam Extreme Versus has a bit more to offer. GN-007+GNR-101A Archer Arios from Gundam 00 and GAT-X105E+AQM/E-X09S Strike Noir Gundam from Gundam Seed Stargazer have been announced as the fifth DLC pack to be released on January 10th for 500 yen each. Archer Arios will be a 1000 cost unit while Strike Noir will be a 2500 cost unit, just like its Gundam Extreme Versus Full Boost iteration. Archer Arios was recently revealed as a new suit to come to Full Boost a few weeks ago, so it is nice to see it coming to the home version. It was a little disappointing to see Arios not be as agile as its anime iteration, but it still looks well rounded with Archer never far behind. As for Strike Noir, players have been clamoring for it to be DLC since it Full Boost was first announced. It will definitely be a welcome addition to the already diverse cast of mobile suits with its acrobatic manoeuvres.
Also, if you purchase these suits before February 10th, you’ll get a pack of energy capsules for Mobile Suit Gundam: Battle Operation. Make sure to check out the DLC video announcement below!

Posted on : 19-12-2012 | By : Cacophanus | In : News
Posted on : 18-12-2012 | By : Cacophanus | In : Videos

Whilst it’s been a tad quiet on the Battle Robot Damashii front, we now have a new trailer (shown below). Almost entirely gameplay footage it looks like a cross between From Software’s Another Century’s Episode Portable and a slew of Artdink’s Macross and Gundam games. As we suspected, the mecha haven’t retained their anime scales but have instead been treated in the same way the Robot Damashii toys have. In addition, the footage primarily shows a lot of quite rigid melee combat. To be fair this is more likely down to the editing, as the Gundam Extreme Versus trailers offer suffer the same fate (maybe Bamco should get another trailer guy?). Finally, the trailer hints that a lot more shows will be included along with the ones that have already been announced. Let the guessing games begin!

For those that saw the reveal of the Hatsune Mike Fei-Yen in the upcoming Super Robot Wars UX announcement and thought this was done without the consent of the team behind Virtual On, then you were very wrong. So wrong in fact that Juro Watari, the father of Virtual On, openly welcomed Miku and even wrote her lines to be used in UX (apparently she’ll sing too). Personally, we think this is a resoundingly good thing and half hope that the next proper Virtual On game gets the Miku treatment too. In addition, there’s a new advert for the game (shown below). Don’t forget the game will be released on March 14th and you can pre-order it here, though you’ll need a Japanese 3DS to play the game as all 3DS games are region locked (thanks a fucking bunch Nintendo for that one!).

Posted on : 17-12-2012 | By : Cacophanus | In : Videos

Albeit brief, we now have a new advert for Macross 30 (shown below). It only shows a few more seconds of gameplay and emphasises how smooth the game appears to be running. Not to mention that we’ll obviously be getting a lot of new animated footage for the game. Hopefully that will mean some kind of high fiving from Basara and the other classic Macross characters. Don’t forget you can pre-order it here

Posted on : 16-12-2012 | By : Cacophanus | In : Reviews