Posted on : 09-09-2013 | By : donkey show | In : News
Posted on : 06-09-2013 | By : Cacophanus | In : Videos

The forthcoming BluRay boxset for the amazing Blue Comet SPT Layzner that we previously talked about has received two promo videos. These are of the respective openings for the TV series, comprising of the first and second season. These are both credit-less, though with a nicely placed advert for the boxset mid-video (and if you’ve seen the anime then that should make sense). However, what is worth noting is that the picture quality is astounding. If the whole series is like this then we’re picking this boxset up regardless. Both promos are linked below and you can pre-order the boxset here.

Posted on : 06-09-2013 | By : Cacophanus | In : Videos

What with the Vita release of Gundam Breaker announced for the end of October, Bandai have started to market this version more openly. Whilst the game is basically the same as the PS3 counterpart, it’s nice to see the new units strutting their stuff in the promo below (these will also be available in the PS3 release, via a free update). Don’t forget you can also still pre-order the Vita version of the game here.

Posted on : 05-09-2013 | By : donkey show | In : News

Shin Gundam Musou, the latest in the Gundam Musou series by Koei, has been recently announced for the PS3 and Vita in the recent issue of Famitsu. The game will be arriving to Japanese market on December 19th and will include the return of the Official Story modes for several Gundam series. These will include new additions from Gundam Seed, Seed Destiny, and Gundam U.C. (Unicorn). Not much has been released in regards to gameplay changes, but the graphical style has returned to a non-celshaded look, unlike Gundam Musou 3. It’s a strange decision as I really enjoyed 3’s aesthetics. There’s also 100+ playable mecha, including the RX-0 Unicorn Banshee. No word on whether or not the game will be imported to the western market, but if the previous games are anything to go by, it will eventually come down the line. Also, no 360 version has been announced as well.

The fourth episode for Super Robot Wars Operation Extend is now out. If you’ve already bought the combined pack then you can download it for free, otherwise you’ll pay 1000 yen. This update features Shin Getter Robo and the promo video below also shows a nice homage to the Dunbine OVA, as it features (very briefly) the beastly Zwarth.

Posted on : 02-09-2013 | By : donkey show | In : News

Indie developer 17bit is very much hitting the nostalgia buttons with their upcoming game 2D sidescrolling shoot-em-up, Galak-Z: The Dimensional. Coming to the PS4 and PC in 2014, the Macross/Gundam/Space Battleship Yamato-inspired game has the player controlling a lone spaceship (which reminds me a bit of Hikaru Ichijo’s FanJet) against a horde of enemies, including some large mecha and aliens, through asteroid riddled areas. While it doesn’t seem as if you can transform into a mecha and vice versa, your missile attacks are very reminiscent of the well loved “Itano Circus,” on top of performing rather appealing dodging maneuvers hearkening stylistic anime action. Check out the recently released PAX 2013 trailer and Kotaku developer interview below!

In a somewhat worrying move, Banpresto have announced Super Robot Wars OG Infinite Battle. This will be an arena based action game in a similar vein to that of Gundam Extreme Versus, except that this won’t be made by Byking. Instead, this is an in-house affair and the last time Banpresto tried to do an arena based action game themselves it didn’t go too well. Following on from this, there will also be a tie-in DLC called Dark Prison for OG2 if you buy Infinite Battle (though this will be released separately at a later date as well). This bundle of gaming joy will be released on November 28th for 7,480 yen and is a PS3 exclusive. If you’re curious to see more, then Famitsu has a nice piece on the game.